I have high expectations...
...only for where I'm going.
It better be worth the Journey.
There's the here & now and the next few years or decades.
But where's the adventure in where I've been and what
I've done.  The possible is boring.  I'm not interested in doing the possible.
I know I can do that.

I'm interested in doing the impossible.
I know I can't do that.  Or at least alone I can't.

We're going to break some rules.
Quite a few depending on where you're from.
I'll probably disappoint you since
I'm not perfect.
But I'm pretty sure I know One that is.

I have high expectations for where we're going.
My expectations are so high that they will be exceeded.
I won't prostitute myself for anything less.
Nothing short of golden streets and
sighted blind men.
I heard a promise of Abundance.
That's what I long for; I cannot deny it.

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, wherever you are, let's go there.