"I shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference."
- Robert Frost

We're always facing somewhere.
We can go forward, backward, sideways.
Up and down.
Or run to stand still.
Sometimes we go full circle when we least

So we journey.

We have maps, guidebooks, food, shoes, vehicles...
We meet people here and there
and sometimes get stuck with 'em
or sometimes we enjoy their presence.
Some better than others.
Travel buddies.
I know a good One.

The weather.
Everyone gets sun everyone gets rain.
Shelter is important.

The experience.
Sometimes we stand in awe.
Sometimes we go through the motions.
Sometimes we couldn't be bothered with either.
But there's adventure.
And there's joy in the journey.
There better be.
Otherwise, why do anything at all?

Food.... mmm
I hunger and I thirst for the good stuff.
Gotta be well fed.
I hope to be full along the way.

Let's go.

(Click the Green Text)